Navigators for data

There comes times when the situation is outside of the navigator’s experience and training. In those times, the old navigator may be incapable of opening his mind to fully pay attention to what is actually happening. Some times call for a younger mind that is learning in real time, absorbing the recent observations with youthful wonderment. Those are usually times of the most severe crises.

Revolving doors are locked: employees wanted but not welcomed

About the workers who are declining the new opportunities. Ultimately, they may be seeing these opportunities for what they really are. These are opportunities to torment their hearts. They have to wear masks and stay distant from customers. They are not allowed to experience the serving of crowds, let alone the larger opportunities for tips or wages. They would be entering an empty workspace that clearly is optimal being more crowded.

Necessary without being important: chores

This distinction of chores versus tasks has a corrupting influence on work. It is form of the corrupting influence of money because we tie compensation or continued employment to the progress made during tasks. This is different because money is not a factor. Greed is not the cause of the corruption. Instead, it is the corruption of having to justify one’s position. It is the corruption of being gainfully employed. To justify employment, we need to show the gain. Our work has to be important in some larger sense.

Conversing using data

I enjoyed the preparatory work of arranging data into a presentable form. The surprise was when I was then put in a position to present this to a critical audience. I accidentally experience the ability to handle surprising questions. I was addicted. The addiction was to the conversation. The conversation happened to involve the language of data, a vast collection of individual datum.

Line between science and fiction

I like my useless body-composition weight scale. It gives me numbers and plots with labels describing things I want to know. The numbers come from computations based on scientific studies. The numbers have a certainty to them even though I have no idea where this health story will end up. I am entertained watching the show of my own making.

The individual in a team obsessed world

The current culture shift toward team behavior has occurred over multiple generations. The people in teams seem to have people who are content with their place in the team. More significantly, they seem to be content in staying in their place indefinitely.

Soloist in hiding

Ultimately, the modern workplace fears soloists. They have good reason to fear them. The soloist has power. Like in a music concert, if the soloist can’t show up, the show can not go on with just the accompanists. If the soloist fails, there is nothing the accompanist can do to save the show.

Thoughts on delaying a hair cut

When a customer gets his hair cut, there is only one person doing the cutting from the start to the finish. That cutting involves observing, analyzing, planning, and acting. He succeeds because this is not a team effort.

Diabolical Cicadas

The 17 year cicada’s and the brood X existence might instead be a deliberate choice to send a message to all the other species that it understands evolution. In some way, species are aware of the evolutionary pressures of other species. They can act on this awareness to mess things up for them, but in a playful harassing way. This creature knows how to create a bountiful feast on a schedule that does no good to any other species.